
Real Estate guru and world observer Ozzie Jurock says that the NDP will win the next election. It’s a scary prediction but what else can we expect? The last time there was a Conservative Party in BC was decades ago. The closest to Conservative policies we have in BC is the liberals. Well, who is the leader? I know, but I forgot his name. He doesn’t think it’s necessary to be out there and make himself known. Horgan smiles and stays out of trouble. All the misguided punitive taxes come from Carol and Eby.  So many of my clients have left the country already, others are just starting the process. Income earners and income makers are punished with higher and higher taxes. Owning real estate is a crime.  There are places in Italy offering to pay people to move there. Tempting…   Ozzie also predicts that Trump will win again. Quite possibly. The only democrat with any credibility is Biden but the other democrats are trashing him. That leaves nobody.