There is a blanket of kindness

This virus thing is a mystery. Nobody knows anything about it, really. The situation in China and in Italy and Spain created a lot of fear. New York is similar. Imagine. In BC most of the cases are limited to care homes and one prison. I think, I have been avoiding the news. In my perhaps ignorant opinion, based on the numbers in BC, I think this is the most marketed virus in the history of mankind. The images and the name are everywhere. Yet, thankfully, community transmission is minimal. Also, there are deadly cases but most cases are mild. The much publicized reunion of 15,000 dentists resulted in one very sad death of a very respected and loved dentist. One. All dental offices are closed. We are thanking lovely Doctor Henry for keeping us safe and keeping the numbers down. However – the damage done to our economy and the economies of the world is beyond imagination. The number of jobs lost mind boggling. Some people in the US are starting to react. They want to go back to work. In Sweden the government hasn’t done anything. I wonder, if we published every day the number of deaths from heart attacks and the flu – would the celebrity virus even stack up?    On the plus side the millions of acts of  kindness and connectivity around the world are moving and beautiful.